• von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics

    Academic Programmes

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  • von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics

    Academic Programmes

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  • von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics

    Academic Programmes

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  • von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics

    Academic Programmes

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University Master Thesis

The von Karman Institute offers two university masters thesis programmes:

Belgian University Master Thesis Programme 

in fulfillment of the requirements of a Belgian University or Industrial Engineering school

University students enrolled in an engineering, industrial engineering or physics undergraduate program can carry out their final year project at a laboratory of the von Karman Institute under the supervision of a VKI Faculty member. 

Foreign (non-Belgian) University Master Thesis Programme

in fulfillment of the requirements of a European or American University

University students enrolled in an engineering, industrial engineering or physics undergraduate programme at a European or American university can carry out their final year or master project at a laboratory of the von Karman Institute under the supervision of a VKI Faculty member. At present this programme is only open for citizens and universities of NATO member states.

Consideration by VKI of your application will be contingent on letters of recommendation from your university master thesis promotor and one other current professor.
To provide a valuable learning experience, the residence period at the VKI should have a duration of minimum two, normally three months. In exceptional cases, longer periods may be possible. The residence period could start any time during the year, except in September.

There is no fee associated with this program. A limited number of fellowships are available to support highly qualified students who are unable to obtain sufficient funds from their own university or from one of the programmes of the European Union.
The Institute is not able to provide lodging; however there exist possibilities for pensions and small apartments that can be rented by the month. Our Secretariat will help you to find accommodation on your arrival.

List of Topics Application

